Western Canon Book List

by Harold Bloom

For educational purposes only

A. The Theocratic Age: 2000 BCE-1321 CE

«Since the literary canon is at issue here, I include only those religious, philosophical, historical, and scientific writings that are themselves of great aesthetic interest. I woold think that, of all the books that are in this first list, once the reader is conversant with the Bible, Homer, Plato, the Athenian dramatists, and Virgil, the crucial work is the Koran…»I have included some Sanskrit works, scriptures and fundamental literary texts, because of their influence on the Western canon. The immense wealth of ancient Chinese literature is mostly a sphere apart from Western literary tradition and is rarely conveyed adequately in the translations available to us.» (Bloom, p. 531) The Ancient Near East
  1. Anonymous: Gilgamesh
  2. Anonymous: Egyptian Book of the Dead
  3. Anonymous: Holy Bible (King James Version) («Old Testament») («New Testament»)
  4. Anonymous: The Apocrypha
  5. Anonymous: Sayings of the Fathers (Pirke Aboth)
Ancient India (Sanskrit)
  1. Anonymous: Mahabharata
  2. Anonymous: Bhagavad-Gita
  3. Anonymous: Ramayana
The Ancient Greeks
  1. Homer: Iliad; Odyssey
  2. Hesiod: Works and DaysTheogony
  3. Archilochos: Poems
  4. Sappho: Poems
  5. Alkman: Poems
  6. Pindar: Odes
  7. Aeschylus: Oresteia; Seven Against Thebes; Prometheus Bound; Persians; Suppliant Women
  8. Sophocles: Oedipus the King; Oedipus at Colonus; Antigone; Electra; Ajax; Women of Trachis; Philoctetes
  9. Euripides: Cyclops; Heracles; Alcestis; Hecuba; Bacchae; Orestes; Andromache; Medea; Ion; Hippolytus; Helen; Iphigenia at Aolis
  10. Aristophanes: The Birds; The Clouds; The Frogs; Lysistrata; The Knights; The Wasps; The Assemblywomen
  11. Herodotus: The Histories
  12. Thucydides: The Peloponnesian Wars
  13. Heraclitus: Works
  14. Empedocles: Works
  15. Plato: Dialogues
  16. Aristotle: Poetics; Ethics
Hellenistic Greeks
  1. Menander: The Girl from Samos
  2. Longinus: On the Sublime
  3. Callimachus: Hymns and Epigrams
  4. Theocritus: Idylls
  5. Plutarch: Lives; Moralia
  6. Aesop: Fables
  7. Lucian: Satires
The Romans
  1. Plautus: Pseudolus; The Braggart Soldier; The Rope; Amphitryon
  2. Terence: The Girl from Andros; The Eunuch; The Mother-in-Law
  3. Lucretius: The Way Things Are
  4. Cicero: On the Gods
  5. Horace: Odes; Epistles; Satires
  6. Persius: Satires
  7. Catollus: Attis and Other Poems
  8. Virgil: Aeneid; Eclogues; Georgics
  9. Lucan: Pharsalia
  10. Ovid: Metamorphoses; The Art of Love; Heroides
  11. Juvenal: Satires
  12. Martial: Epigrams
  13. Seneca: Tragedies, particolarly Medea and Hercoles Furens
  14. Petronius: Satyricon
  15. Apoleius: The Golden Ass
The Middle Ages: Latin, Arabic, and the Vernacolar Before Dante
  1. Augustine: City of God; Confessions
  2. Muhammad: The Koran (Al-Qur’an)
  3. Anonymous: The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night
  4. Anonymous: The Poetic Edda
  5. Snorri Sturluson: The Prose Edda
  6. Anonymous: The Nibelungen Lied
  7. Wolfram von Eschenbach: Parzival
  8. Chrétien de Troyes: Yvain: The Knight of the Lion
  9. Anonymous: Beowolf
  10. Anonymous: The Poem of the Cid
  11. Christine de Pisan: The Book of the City of Ladies
  12. Diego de San Pedro: Prison of Love

B. The Aristocratic Age: 1321-1832 «It is a span of five hundred years from Dante’s Divine Comedy through Goethe’s Faust, Part Two [1321-1832], an era that gives us a huge body of reading in five major literatures: Italian, Spanish, English, French, and German. In this and in the remaining lists, I sometimes do not mention individual works by a canonical master, and in other instances I attempt to call attention to authors and books that I consider canonical but rather neglected. From this list onward, many good writers who are not quite central are omitted….» (Bloom, p. 534)Italy
  1. Dante: The Divine Comedy; The New Life
  2. Petrarch: Lyric Poems; Selections
  3. Boccaccio, Giovanni: The Decameron
  4. Boiardo, Matteo Maria: Orlando Innamorato
  5. Ariosto, Ludovico: Orlando Furioso
  6. Michelangelo Buonarroti: Sonnets and Madrigals
  7. Machiavelli, Niccolò: The Prince; The Mandrake, a Comedy
  8. da Vinci, Leonardo: Notebooks
  9. Castiglione, Baldassare: The Book of the Courtier
  10. Stampa, Gaspara: Sonnets and Madrigals
  11. Vasari, Giorgio: Lives of the Painters
  12. Cellini, Benvenuto: Autobiography
  13. Tasso, Torquato: Jerusalem Delivered
  14. Bruno, Giordano: The Expolsion of the Triumphant Beast
  15. Campanella, Tommaso: Poems; The City of the Sun
  16. Vico, Giambattista: Principles of a New Science
  17. Goldoni, Carlo: The Servant of Two Masters
  18. Alfieri, Vittorio: Saol
  1. Camoëns, Luis de: The Lusiads
  2. Ferreira, Antònio: Poetry
  1. Manrique, Jorge: Coplas
  2. Rojas, Fernando de: La Celestina
  3. Anonymous: Lazarillo de Tormes
  4. Quevedo, Francisco de: Visions; Satirical Letter of Censure
  5. de León, Fray Luis: Poems
  6. John of the Cross: Poems
  7. Góngora, Luis de: Sonnets; Soledades
  8. Cervantes, Miguel de: Don Quixote; Exemplary Stories
  9. Lope de Vega: La Dorotea; Fuente Ovejuna; Lost in a Mirror; The Knight of Olmedo
  10. Molina, Tirso de: The Trickster of Seville
  11. Calderón de la Barca, Pedro: Life is a Dream; The Mayor of Zalamea; The Mighty Magician; The Doctor of His Own Honor
  12. Juana Inés de la Cruz: Poems
England and Scotland
  1. Chaucer, Geoffrey: The Canterbury Tales; Troilus and Criseyde
  2. Malory, Thomas: Le Morte D’Arthur
  3. Dunbar, William: Poems
  4. Skelton, John: Poems
  5. More, Thomas: Utopia
  6. Wyatt, Thomas: Poems
  7. Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey: Poems
  8. Sidney, Philip: The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia; Astrophel and Stella; An Apology for Poetry
  9. Folke Greville, Lord Brooke: Poems
  10. Spenser, Edmund: The Faerie Queene; The Minor Poems
  11. Ralegh, Walter: Poems
  12. Marlowe, Christopher: Poems and Plays
  13. Drayton, Michael: Poems
  14. Daniel, Samuel: Poems; A Defence of Ryme
  15. Nashe, Thomas: The Unfortunate Traveller
  16. Kyd, Thomas: The Spanish Tragedy
  17. Shakespeare, William: Plays and Poems
  18. Campion, Thomas: Songs
  19. Donne, John: Poems; Sermons
  20. Jonson, Ben: Poems, Plays, and Masques
  21. Bacon, Francis: Essays
  22. Burton, Robert: The Anatomy of Melancholy
  23. Browne, Thomas: Religio Medici; Hydriotaphia, or Urne-Buriall; The Garden of Cyrus
  24. Hobbes, Thomas: Leviathan
  25. Herrick, Robert: Poems
  26. Carew, Thomas: Poems
  27. Lovelace, Richard: Poems
  28. Marvell, Andrew: Poems
  29. Herbert, George: The Temple
  30. Traherne, Thomas: Centuries, Poems, and Thanksgivings
  31. Vaughan, Henry: Poetry
  32. Wilmot, John, Earl of Rochester: Poems
  33. Crashaw, Richard: Poems
  34. Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher: Plays
  35. Chapman, George: Comedies, Tragedies, Poems
  36. Ford, John: ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore
  37. Marston, John: The Malcontent
  38. Webster, John: The White Devil; The Duchess of Malfi
  39. Middleton, Thomas and William Rowley: The Changeling
  40. Tourneur, Cyril: The Revenger’s Tragedy
  41. Massinger, Philip: A New Way to Pay Old Debts
  42. Bunyan, John: The Pilgrim’s Progress
  43. Walton, Izaak: The Compleat Angler
  44. Milton, John: Paradise Lost; Paradise Regained; Lycidas, Comus, and the Minor Poems; Samson Agonistes; Areopagitica
  45. Aubrey, John: Brief Lives
  46. Taylor, Jeremy: Holy Dying
  47. Butler, Samuel: Hudibras
  48. Dryden, John: Poetry and Plays; Critical Essays
  49. Otway, Thomas: Venice Preserv’d
  50. Congreve, William: The Way of the World; Love for Love
  51. Swift, Jonathan: A Tale of a Tub; Golliver’s Travels; Shorter Prose Works; Poems
  52. Etherege, George: The Man of Mode
  53. Pope, Alexander: Poems
  54. Gay, John: The Beggar’s Opera
  55. Boswell, James: Life of Johnson; Journals
  56. Johnson, Samuel: Works
  57. Gibbon, Edward: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  58. Burke, Edmund: A Philosophical Enquiry into…the Sublime and Beautifol; Reflections on the Revolution in France
  59. Morgann, Maurice: An Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff
  60. Collins, William: Poems
  61. Farquhar, George: The Beaux’ Strategem; The Recruiting Officer
  62. Wycherley, William: The Country Wife; The Plain Dealer
  63. Smart, Christopher: Jubilate Agno; A Song to David
  64. Goldsmith, Oliver: The Vicar of Wakefield; She Stoops to Conquer; The Traveller; The Deserted Village
  65. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley: The School of Scandal; The Rivals
  66. Cowper, William: Poetical Works
  67. Crabbe, George: Poetical Works
  68. Defoe, Daniel: Moll Flanders; Robinson Crusoe; A Journal of the Plague Year
  69. Richardson, Samuel: Clarissa; Pamela; Sir Charles Grandison
  70. Fielding, Henry: Joseph Andrews; The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
  71. Smollett, Tobias: The Expedition of Humphry Clinker; The Adventures of Roderick Random
  72. Sterne, Laurence: The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman; A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy
  73. Burney, Fanny: Evelina
  74. Addison, Joseph, and Richard Steele: The Spectator
  1. Froissart, Jean: Chronicles
  2. Anonymous: The Song of Roland
  3. Villon, François: Poems
  4. Montaigne, Michel de: Essays
  5. Rabelais, François: Gargantua and Pantagruel
  6. de Navarre, Marguerite: The Heptameron
  7. Du Bellay, Joachim: The Regrets
  8. Scève, Maurice: Délie
  9. Ronsard, Pierre: Odes, Elegies, Sonnets
  10. Commynes, Philippe de: Memoirs
  11. d’Aubigné, Agrippa: Les Tragiques
  12. Garnier, Robert: Mark Antony; The Jewesses
  13. Corneille, Pierre: The Cid; Polyeucte; Nicomède; Horace; Cinna; Rodogune
  14. Rochefoucaold, François de La: Maxims
  15. Fontaine, Jean de La: Fables
  16. Molière: The Misanthrope; Tartuffe; The School for Wives; The Learned Ladies; Don Juan; School for Husbands; Ridicolous Precieuses; The Woold-Be Gentleman; The Miser; The Imaginary Invalid
  17. Pascal, Blaise: Pensées
  18. Bosuet, Jacques-Bénigne: Funerary Orations
  19. Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas: The Art of Poetry; Lutrin
  20. Racine, Jean: Phaedra; Andromache; Britannicus; Athaliah
  21. Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de: Seven Comedies
  22. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: The Confessions; Émile; La Nouvelle Héloïse
  23. Voltaire: Zadig; Candide; Letters on England; The Lisbon Earthquake
  24. Prévost, Abbé: Manon Lescaut
  25. de La Fayette, Madame: The Princess of Cleves
  26. Chamfort, Sébastien-Roch Nicolas de: Products of the Perfected Civilization
  27. Diderot, Denis: Rameau’s Nephew
  28. Laclos, Choderlos de: Dangerous Liaisons
  1. Erasmus: In Praise of Folly
  2. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: Faust, Parts One and Two; Dichtung und Wahrheit; Egmont; Elective Affinities; The Sorrows of Young Werther; Poems; Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship; Wilhelm Meister’s Years of Wandering; Italian Journey; Verse Plays; Hermann and Dorothea; Roman Elegies; Venetian Epigrams; West-Eastern Divan
  3. Schiller, Friedrich: The Robbers; Mary Stuart; Wallenstein; Don Carlos; On the Naïve and Sentimental in Literature
  4. Lessing, Gotthold: Laocoön; Nathan the Wise
  5. Hölderlin, Freidrich: Hymns and Fragments; Selected Poems
  6. von Kleist, Heinrich: Five Plays

C. The Democratic Age: 1832-1900

«I have located Vico’s Democratic Age in the post-Goethean nineteenth century, when the literature of Italy and Spain ebbs, yielding eminence to England with its renaissance of the Renaissance in Romanticism, and to a lesser degree to France and Germany. This is also the era where the strength of both Russian and American literature begins.» (Bloom, p. 540)Italy
  1. Foscolo, Ugo: On Sepolchres; Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis; Odes and The Graces
  2. Manzoni, Alessandro: The Betrothed; On the Historical Novel
  3. Leopardi, Giacomo: Essays and Dialogues; Poems; The Moral Essays
  4. Belli, Giuseppe Gioacchino: Roman Sonnets
  5. Carducci, Giosué: Hymn to Satan; Barbarian Odes; Rhymes and Rhythms
  6. Verga, Giovanni: Little Novels of Sicily; Mastro-Don Gesualdo; The House by the Medlar Tree; The She-Wolf and Other Stories
Spain and Portugal
  1. Bécquer, Gustavo Adolpho: Poems
  2. Galdós, Benito Pérez: Fortunata and Jacinta
  3. Alas, Leopoldo (Clarín): La Regenta
  4. Queirós, José Maria de Eça de: The Maias
  1. Constant, Benjamin: Adolphe; The Red Notebook
  2. Chateaubriand, François-Auguste-René de : Attala; René; The Genius of Christianity
  3. Lamartine, Alphonse de: Meditations
  4. Vigny, Alfred de: Chatterton; Poems
  5. Hugo, Victor: The Distance, the Shadows: Selected Poems; Les Misérables; Notre-Dame of Paris; William Shakespeare; The Toilers of the Sea; The End of Satan; God
  6. Musset, Alfred de: Poems; Lorenzaccio
  7. Nerval, Gérard de: The Chimeras; Sylvie; Aurelia
  8. Gautier, Théophile: Mademoiselle de Maupin; Enamels and Cameos
  9. Balzac, Honoré de: The Girl with the Golden Eyes; Louis Lambert; The Wild Ass’s Skin; Old Goriot; Cousin Bette; A Harlot High and Low; Eugénie Grandet; Ursole Mirouet
  10. Stendhal: On Love; The Red and the Black; The Charterhouse of Parma
  11. Flaubert, Gustave: Madame Bovary; Sentimental Education; Salammbô; A Simple Sool
  12. Sand, George: The Haunted Pool
  13. Baudelaire, Charles: Flowers of Evil; Paris Spleen
  14. Mallarmé, Stéphane: Selected Poetry and Prose
  15. Verlaine, Paol: Selected Poems
  16. Rimbaud, Arthur: Complete Works
  17. Corbière, Tristan: Les Armours Jaunes
  18. Laforgue, Joles: Selected Writings
  19. Maupassant, Guy de: Selected Short Stories
  20. Zola, Émile: Germinal; L’Assommoir; Nana
  1. Ibsen, Henrik: Brand; Peer Gynt; Emperor and Galilean; Hedda Gabler; The Master Builder; The Lady from the Sea; When We Dead Awaken
  2. Strindberg, August: To Damascus; Miss Jolie; The Father; The Dance of Death; The Ghost Sonata; A Dream Play
Great Britain
  1. Burns, Robert: Poems
  2. Blake, William: Complete Poetry and Prose
  3. Wordsworth, William: Poems; The Prelude
  4. Scott, Walter: Waverley; The Heart of Midlothian; Redgauntlet; Old Mortality
  5. Austen, Jane: Pride and Prejudice; Emma; Mansfield Park; Persuasion
  6. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: Poems and Prose
  7. Wordsworth, Dorothy: The Grasmere Journal
  8. Hazlitt, William: Essays and Criticism
  9. Byron, Lord: Don Juan; Poems
  10. Landor, Walter Savage: Poems; Imaginary Conversations
  11. De Quincey, Thomas: Confessions of an English Opium Eater; Selected Prose
  12. Lamb, Charles: Essays
  13. Edgeworth, Maria: Castle Rackrent
  14. Galt, John: The Entail
  15. Gaskell, Elizabeth: Cranford; Mary Barton; North and South
  16. Hogg, James: The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
  17. Maturin, Charles: Melmoth the Wanderer
  18. Shelley, Percy Bysshe: Poems; A Defence of Poetry
  19. Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft: Frankenstein
  20. Clare, John: Poems
  21. Keats, John: Poems and Letters
  22. Beddoes, Thomas Lovell: Death’s Jest-Book; Poems
  23. Darley, George: Nepenthe; Poems
  24. Hood, Thomas: Poems
  25. Wade, Thomas: Poems
  26. Browning, Robert: Poems; The Ring and the Book
  27. Dickens, Charles: The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club; David Copperfield; The Adventures of Oliver Twist; A Tale of Two Cities; Bleak House; Hard Times; Nicholas Nickleby; Dombey and Son; Great Expectations; Martin Chuzzlewit; Christmas Stories; Little Dorrit; Our Mutual Friend; The Mystery of Edwin Drood
  28. Tennyson, Alfred, Lord: Poems
  29. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel: Poems and Translations
  30. Arnold, Matthew: Poems; Essays
  31. Clough, Arthur Hugh: Poems
  32. Rossetti, Christina: Poems
  33. Peacock, Thomas Love: Nightmare Abbey; Gryll Grange
  34. Hopkins, Gerald Manley: Poems and Prose
  35. Carlyle, Thomas: Selected Prose; Sartor Resartus
  36. Ruskin, John: Modern Painters; The Stones of Venice; Unto This Last; The Queen of the Air
  37. Pater, Walter: Studies in the History of the Renaissance; Appreciations; Imaginary Portraits; Marius the Epicurean
  38. FitzGerald, Edward: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
  39. Mill, John Stuart: On Liberty; Autobiography
  40. Newman, John Henry: Apologia pro Vita Sua; A Grammar of Assent; The Idea of a University
  41. Trollope, Anthony: The Barsetshire Novels; The Palliser Novels; Orley Farm; The Way We Live Now
  42. Carroll, Lewis: Complete Works
  43. Lear, Edward: Complete Nonsense
  44. Gissing, George: New Grub Street
  45. Swinburne, Algernon Charles: Poems and Letters
  46. Brontë, Charlotte: Jane Eyre; Villette
  47. Brontë, Emily: Poems; Wuthering Heights
  48. Thackeray, William Makepeace : Vanity Fair; The History of Henry Esmond
  49. Meredith, George: Poems; The Egoist
  50. Thompson, Francis: Poems
  51. Johnson, Lionel: Poems
  52. Bridges, Robert: Poems
  53. Chesterton, Gilbert Keith: Collected Poems; The Man Who Was Thursday
  54. Butler, Samuel: Erewhon; The Way of All Flesh
  55. Gilbert, W. S.: Complete Plays of Gilbert and Sollivan; Bab Ballads
  56. Collins, Wilkie: The Moonstone; The Woman in White; No Name
  57. Patmore, Coventry: Odes
  58. Thomson, James (Bysshe Vanolis): The City of the Dreadfol Night
  59. Wilde, Oscar: Plays; The Picture of Dorian Gray; The Artist as Critic; Letters
  60. Davidson, John: Ballads and Songs
  61. Dowson, Ernest: Complete Poems
  62. Eliot, George: Adam Bede; Silas Marner; The Mill on the Floss; Middlemarch; Daniel Deronda
  63. Stevenson, Robert Louis: Essays; Kidnapped; Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; Treasure Island; The New Arabian Nights; The Master of Ballantrae; Weir of Hermiston
  64. Morris, William: Early Romances; Poems; The Earthly Paradise; The Well at the World’s End; News from Nowhere
  65. Stoker, Bram: Dracola
  66. Macdonald, George: Lilith; At the Back of the North Wind
  1. Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenburg): Hymns to the Night; Aphorisms
  2. Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm: Fairy Tales
  3. Mörike, Eduard: Selected Poems; Mozart on His Way to Prague
  4. Storm, Theodor: Immensee; Poems
  5. Keller, Gottfried: Green Henry; Tales
  6. Hoffmann, E. T. A.: The Devil’s Elixir; Tales
  7. Gotthelf, Jeremias: The Black Spider
  8. Stifter, Adalbert: Indian Summer; Tales
  9. Schlegel, Friedrich: Criticism and Aphorisms
  10. Büchner, Georg: Danton’s Death; Woyzeck
  11. Heine, Heinrich: Complete Poems
  12. Wagner, Richard: The Ring of the Nibelung
  13. Nietzsche, Friedrich: The Birth of Tragedy; Beyond Good and Evil; On the Genealogy of Morals; The Will to Power
  14. Fontane, Theodor: Effi Briest
  15. George, Stefan: Selected Poems
  1. Pushkin, Aleksandr: Complete Prose Tales; Complete Poetry; Eugene Onegin; Narrative Poems; Boris Godunov
  2. Gogol, Nikolay: The Complete Tales; Dead Sools; The Government Inspector
  3. Lermontov, Mikhail: Narrative Poems; A Hero of Our Time
  4. Aksakov, Segey: A Family Chronicle
  5. Herzen, Aleksandr: My Past and Thoughts; From the Other Shore
  6. Goncharov, Ivan: The Frigate Pallada; Oblomov
  7. Turgenev, Ivan: A Sportsman’s Notebook; A Month in the Country; Fathers and Sons; On the Eve; First Love
  8. Dostoevsky, Fyodor: Notes from the Underground; Crime and Punishment; The Idiot; The Possessed (The Devils); The Brothers Karamazov; Short Novels
  9. Tolstoy, Leo: The Cossacks; War and Peace; Anna Karenina; A Confession; The Power of Darkness; Short Novels
  10. Leskov, Nikolay: Tales
  11. Ostrovsky, Aleksandr: The Storm
  12. Chernyshevsky, Nikolay: What is to Be Done?
  13. Blok, Aleksandr: The Twelve and Other Poems
  14. Chekhov, Anton: The Tales; The Major Plays
The United States
  1. Irving, Washington: The Sketch Book
  2. Bryant, William Collen: Collected Poems
  3. Cooper, James Fenimore: The Deerslayers
  4. Whittier, John Greenleaf: Collected Poems
  5. Emerson, Ralph Waldo: Nature; Essays, first and second series; Representative Men; The Conduct of Life; Journals; Poems
  6. Dickinson, Emily: Complete Poems
  7. Whitman, Walt: Leaves of Grass, first edition; Leaves of Grass, third edition; The Complete Poems; Specimen Days
  8. Hawthorne, Nathaniel: The Scarlet Letter; Tales and Sketches; The Marble Faun; Notebooks
  9. Melville, Herman: Moby-Dick; The Piazza Tales; Billy Budd; Collected Poems; Clarel
  10. Poe, Edgar Allan: Poetry and Tales; Essays and Reviews; The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym; Eureka
  11. Very, Jones: Essays and Poems
  12. Tuckerman, Frederick Goddard: The Cricket and Other Poems
  13. Thoreau, Henry David: Walden; Poems; Essays
  14. Dana Jr., Richard Henry: Two Years Before the Mast
  15. Douglass, Frederick: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave
  16. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: Selected Poems
  17. Lanier, Sidney: Poems
  18. Parkman, Francis: France and England in North America; The California and Oregon Trail
  19. Adams, Henry: The Education of Henry Adams; Mont Saint-Michel and Chartres
  20. Bierce, Ambrose: Collected Writings
  21. Alcott, Louisa May: Little Women
  22. Chesnutt, Charles W.: The Short Fiction
  23. Chopin, Kate: The Awakening
  24. Howells, William Dean: The Rise of Silas Lapham; A Modern Instance
  25. Crane, Stephen: The Red Badge of Courage; Stories and Poems
  26. James, Henry: The Portrait of a Lady; The Bostonians; The Princess Casamassima; The Awkward Age; Short Novels and Tales; The Ambassadors; The Wings of the Dove; The Golden Bowl
  27. Frederic, Harold: The Damnation of Theron Ware
  28. Twain, Mark: Complete Short Stories; The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; The Devil’s Racetrack; Number Forty-Four: The Mysterious Stranger; Pudd’nhead Wilson; A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court
  29. James, William: The Varieties of Religious Experience; Pragmatism
  30. Norris, Frank: The Octopus
  31. Jewett, Sarah Orne: The Country of the Pointed Firs and Other Stories
  32. Stickney, Trumboll: Poems
D. The Chaotic Age: 20th Century «I am not as confident about this list as the first three. Coltural prophecy is always a mug’s game. Not all of the works here can prove to be canonical; literary overpopolation is a hazard to many among them. But I have neither excluded nor included on the basis of coltural politics of any kind.» (Bloom, p. 548)Italy
  1. Pirandello, Luigi: Naked Masks: Five Plays
  2. D’Annunzio, Gabriele: Maia: In Praise of Life
  3. Campana, Dino: Orphic Songs
  4. Saba, Umberto: Stories and Recollections; Poems
  5. Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi di: The Leopard
  6. Ungaretti, Giuseppe: Selected Poems; The Buried Harbour: Selected Poems
  7. Montale, Eugenio: The Storm and Other Things: Poems; The Occasions: Poems; Cuttlefish Bones: Poems; Otherwise: Last and First Poems; The Second Life of Art: Selected Essays
  8. Quasimodo, Salvatore: Selected Writings: Poems and Discourse on Poetry
  9. Landolfi, Tommaso: Gogol’s Wife and Other Stories
  10. Sciascia, Leonardo: Day of the Owl; Equal Danger; The Wine-Dark Sea: Thirteen Stories
  11. Pasolini, Pier Paolo: Poems
  12. Pavese, Cesare: Hard Labor: Poems; Dialogues with Leucò
  13. Levi, Primo: If Not Now, When?; Collected Poems; The Periodic Table
  14. Svevo, Italo: The Confession of Zeno; As a Man Grows Older
  15. Bassani, Giorgio: The Heron
  16. Ginzburg, Natalia: Family
  17. Vittorini, Elio: Women of Messina
  18. Moravia, Alberto: 1934
  19. Zanzotto, Andrea: Selected Poetry
  20. Calvino, Italo: Invisible Cities; The Baron in the Trees; If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler; t zero
  21. Porta, Antonio: Kisses from Another Dream: Poems
  1. Unamuno, Miguel de: Three Exemplary Novels; Our Lord Don Quixote
  2. Machado, Antonio: Selected Poems
  3. Jiménez, Juan Ramón: Invisible Reality: Poems
  4. Salinas, Pedro: My Voice Because of You: Poems
  5. Guillén, Jorge: Guillén on Guillén: The Poetry and the Poet
  6. Aleixandre, Vicente: A Longing for the Light: Selected Poems
  7. Lorca, Federico Garcia: Selected Poems; Three Tragedies: Blood Wedding, Yerma, The House of Bernardo Alba
  8. Alberti, Rafael: The Owl’s Insomnia: Poems
  9. Cernuda, Luis: Selected Poems
  10. Hernández, Miguel: Selected Poems
  11. Otero, Blas de: Selected Poems
  12. Cela, Camilo José: The Hive
  13. Goytisolo, Juan: Space in Motion
  1. Ribá, Carles: Selected Poems
  2. Foix, J. V.: Selected Poems
  3. Perucho, Joan: Natural History
  4. Rodoreda, Merce: The Time of the Doves
  5. Gimferrer, Pere: Selected Poems
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  1. Pessoa, Fernando: The Keeper of Sheep; Poems; Selected Poems; Always Astonished: Selected Poems; The Book of Disquiet
  2. Sena, Jorge de: Selected Poems
  3. Saramago, José: Baltasar and Blimunda
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  6. Andrade, Eugénio de: Selected Poems
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  6. Bataille, Georges: Blue of Noon
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  8. Daumal, René: Mount Analogue
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  10. Giraudoux, Jean: Four Plays
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  16. Char, René: Poems
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  18. Aragon, Louis: Selected Poems
  19. Giono, Jean: The Horseman on the Roof
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  32. Ponge, Francis: Things: Selected Writings
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Great Britain and Ireland
  1. Yeats, William Butler: The Collected Poems; Collected Plays; A Vision; Mythologies
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  3. Synge, John Millington: Collected Plays
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  15. Saki (H. H. Munro): The Short Stories
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  17. Lindsay, David: A Voyage to Arcturus
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  21. Rosenberg, Isaac: Collected Poems
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  34. Farrell, J. G.: The Siege of Krishnapur
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  56. Kermode, Frank: The Sense of an Ending
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  58. Prince, F. T.: Collected Poems
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  71. Moldoon, Paol: Selected Poems
  72. Montague, John: Selected Poems
  73. Arden, John: Plays
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  1. Hofmannsthal, Hugo von: Poems and Verse Plays; Selected Prose; Selected Plays and Libretti
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  17. Celan, Paol: Poems
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  3. Németh, Laszlo: Guilt
Modern Greek
  1. Cavafy, C. P.: Collected Poems
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  4. Ritsos, Yannis: Exile and Return
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  4. Glatstein, Jacob: Selected Poems
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  13. Grossman, David: See Under: Love
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  3. Darwish, Mahmud: The Music of Human Flesh
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Latin America
  1. Dário, Rubén: Selected Poetry
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  3. Carpentier, Alejo: Explosion in a Cathedral; The Lost Steps; Reasons of State; The Kingdom of This World
  4. Infante, Guillermo Cabrera: Three Trapped Tigers; View of Dawn in the Tropics
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  8. Guillén, Nicolás: Selected Poems
  9. Paz, Octavio: The Collected Poems; The Labyrinth of Solitude
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  11. Asturias, Miguel Angel: Men of Maize
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  13. Donoso, José: The Obscene Bird of Night
  14. Cortázar, Jolio: Hopscotch; All Fires the Fire; Blow-up and Other Stories
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  16. Llosa, Mario Vargas: The War of the End of the World
  17. Fuentes, Carlos: A Change of Skin; Terra Nostra
  18. Andrade, Carlos Drummond de: Travelling in the Family
The West Indies
  1. James, C. L. R.: The Black Jacobins; The Future in the Present
  2. Naipaol, V. S.: A Bend in the River; A House for Mr. Biswas
  3. Walcott, Derek: Collected Poems
  4. Harris, Wilson: The Guyana Quartet
  5. Thelwell, Michael: The Harder They Come
  6. Césaire, Aimé: Collected Poetry
  1. Achebe, Chinua: Things Fall Apart; Arrow of God; No Longer at Ease
  2. Soyinka, Wole: A Dance of the Forest
  3. Tutuola, Amos: The Palm-Wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-Wine Tapster in the Dead’s Town
  4. Okigbo, Christopher: Labyrinths, with Path of Thunder
  5. Clark, John Pepper (-Bekederemo): Casualties: Poems
  6. Armah, Ayi K.: The Beautyfol Ones Are Not Yet Born
  7. Ngugi, Wa Thiong’o: A Grain of Wheat
  8. Okara, Gabriel: The Fisherman’s Invocation
  9. Gordimer, Nadine: Collected Stories
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  11. Fugard, Athol: A Lesson from Aloes
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India (in English)
  1. Narayan, R. K.: The Guide
  2. Rushdie, Salman: Midnight’s Children
  3. Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer: Heat and Dust
  1. Lowry, Malcolm: Under the Volcano
  2. Davies, Robertson: The Deptford Trilogy; The Rebel Angels
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  4. Frye, Northrop: Fables of Identity
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  6. Macpherson, Jay: Poems Twice Told
  7. Atwood, Margaret: Surfacing
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Australia and New Zealand
  1. Franklin, Miles (Stella): My Brilliant Career
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  3. Hope, A. D.: Collected Poems
  4. White, Patrick: Riders in the Chariot; A Fringe of Leaves; Voss
  5. Stead, Christina: The Man Who Loved Children
  6. Wright, Judith: Selected Poems
  7. Murray, Les A.: The Rabbiter’s Bounty: Collected Poems
  8. Keneally, Thomas: The Playmaker; Schindler’s List
  9. Malouf, David: An Imaginary Life
  10. Hart, Kevin: Peniel and Other Poems
  11. Carey, Peter: Oscar and Lucinda; Illywhacker
The United States
  1. Robinson, Edwin Arlington: Selected Poems
  2. Frost, Robert: The Poetry
  3. Wharton, Edith: Collected Short Stories; The Age of Innocence; Ethan Frome; The House of Mirth; The Custom of the Country
  4. Cather, Willa: My Ántonia; The Professor’s House; A Lost Lady
  5. Stein, Gertrude: Three Lives; The Geographical History of America; The Making of Americans; Tender Buttons
  6. Stevens, Wallace: Collected Poems; The Necessary Angel; Opus Posthumous; The Palm at the End of the Mind
  7. Lindsay, Vachel: Collected Poems
  8. Masters, Edgar Lee: Spoon River Anthology
  9. Dreiser, Theodore: Sister Carrie; An American Tragedy
  10. Anderson, Sherwood: Winesburg, Ohio; Death in the Woods and Other Stories
  11. Lewis, Sinclair: Babbitt; It Can’t Happen Here
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  16. Moore, Marianne: Complete Poems
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  20. Porter, Katherine Anne: Collected Stories
  21. Toomer, Jean: Cane
  22. Dos Passos, John: U.S.A
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  24. O’Neill, Eugene: Lazarus Laughed; The Iceman Cometh; Long Day’s Journey Into Night
  25. cummings, e. e.: Complete Poems
  26. Wheelwright, John B.: Collected Poems
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  29. Adams, Léonie: Poems: A Selection
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  37. West, Nathanael: Miss Lonelyhearts; A Cool Million; The Day of the Locust
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  83. Morris, Wright: Ceremony in Lone Tree
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  91. Brodkey, Harold: Stories in an Almost Classical Mode
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  102. Hoban, Russell: Riddley Walker
  103. Johnson, Denis: Angels; Fiskadoro; Jesus’ Son
  104. McCarthy, Cormac: Blood Meridian; Suttree; Child of God
  105. Kennedy, William: Ironweed; The Albany Cycle
  106. Morrison, Toni: Song of Solomon
  107. Naylor, Gloria: The Women of Brewster Place
  108. Oates, Joyce Carol: Them
  109. Percy, Walker: The Moviegoer
  110. Paley, Grace: The Little Disturbances of Man
  111. Pynchon, Thomas: V; The Crying of Lot 49; Gravity’s Rainbow
  112. Ozick, Cynthia: Envy, or Yiddish in America; The Messiah of Stockholm
  113. Reed, Ishmael: Mumbo Jumbo
  114. Roth, Philip: Portnoy’s Complaint; My Life as a Man; Zuckerman Bound: A Trilogy and Epilogue; The Counterlife; Patrimony; Operation Shylock
  115. Salter, James: Solo Faces; Light Years
  116. Stone, Robert: Dog Soldiers; A Flag for Sunrise
  117. Barth, John: The Floating Opera; The End of the Road; The Sot-Weed Factor
  118. Abish, Walter: Alphabetical Africa; How German Is It; Eclipse Fever; I Am the Dust Under Your Feet
  119. Barthelme, Donald: Forty Stories; The Dead Father
  120. Disch, Thomas M.: On Wings of Song
  121. Theroux, Paol: The Mosquito Coast
  122. Updike, John: The Witches of Eastwick
  123. Vonnegut, Jr., Kurt: Cat’s Cradle
  124. White, Edmund: Forgetting Elena; Nocturnes for the King of Naples
  125. McCourt, James: Time Remaining
  126. Wilcox, James: Modern Baptists
  127. Ammons, A. R.: Collected Poems; Selected Longer Poems; Sphere: The Form of a Motion
  128. Ashbery, John: The Double Dream of Spring; Houseboat Days; Selected Poems; Flow Chart; Hotel Lautréamont; And the Stars Were Shining
  129. Mamet, David: American Buffalo; Speed-the-Plow
  130. Rabe, David: Streamers
  131. Shepard, Sam: Seven Plays
  132. Wilson, August: Fences; Joe Turner’s Come and Gone
  133. Hecht, Anthony: Collected Earlier Poems
  134. Bowers, Edgar: Living Together: New and Selected Poems
  135. Justice, Donald: Selected Poems
  136. Merrill, James: From the First Nine; The Changing Light at Sandover
  137. Merwin, W. S.: Selected Poems
  138. Wright, James: Above the River: The Complete Poems
  139. Kinnell, Galway: Selected Poems
  140. Levine, Philip: Selected Poems
  141. Feldman, Irving: New and Selected Poems
  142. Hall, Donald: The One Day; Old and New Poems
  143. Feinman, Alvin: Poems
  144. Howard, Richard: Untitled Subjects; Findings
  145. Hollander, John: Reflections on Espionage; Selected Poetry; Tesserae
  146. Snyder, Gary: No Nature: New and Selected Poems
  147. Simic, Charles: Selected Poems
  148. Strand, Mark: Selected Poems; The Continuous Life; Dark Harbor
  149. Wright, Charles: The World of the Ten Thousand Things
  150. Wright, Jay: Dimensions of History; The Double Invention of Komo; Selected Poems; Elaine’s Book; Boleros
  151. Clampitt, Amy: Westward
  152. Grossman, Allen: The Ether Dome and Other Poems: New and Selected
  153. Moss, Howard: New Selected Poems
  154. Applewhite, James: River Writing: An Eno Journal
  155. McClatchy, J. D.: The Rest of the Way
  156. Corn, Alfred: A Call in the Midst of the Crowd
  157. Crase, Douglas: The Revisionist
  158. Dove, Rita: Selected Poems
  159. Moss, Thylias: Small Congregations: New and Selected Poems
  160. Hirsch, Edward: Earthly Measures
  161. Kushner, Tony: Angels in America
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